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I find it very difficult to use a written language to express what a dance and movement language, mean to me and others who watch. A piece of music stimulates emotion. We have analysed musical chords to see them as happy or sad, but perhaps watchers have created a word-based response to what they hear. Dance is often seen as a secondary skill for the musician, singer, and actor to enhance other greater skills. We do not have a large language of words to use as dancers. There are words such as plié, arabesque, develope, port de bra, that could be used but not all dancers share the same vocabulary.

How do I link this to the Visual arts/ electronic fiction I am interested in? Using another video from YouTube there is an edited together series of images from various pieces of digital fiction by One to one productions. Like dance the movement of images drive us forward. The accompanying music also drives forward the image. Both the dance and digital fiction rely on image to suggest emotion, feeling, story, and narrative. Even the abstraction of the dance has an, ‘abstract narrative’, of gesture, position, shape and movement. The digital fiction is also dominated by shape, position, movement, colour but there is often the addition of written text. The text makes us link to the storyline in the need to create a narrative. But sometimes these digital fiction pieces are more like dance, even with the exclusion or inclusion of narrative, as they move and stimulate us to think without the need to have a story structure. There is also the way digital fiction makes us move on our own pathway or journey through the story. Creating our own interpretation of the experience we have just had.

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