The Directed Creativity Cycle
If I use the above model to look specifically at the page entitled ‘the story’ I am seeking to define the process of creativity undertaken.
For an artist this term preparation could also encompass the terms research as well as observation. An idea is formulated, the interactive website, and the research in styles and systems begin. Other work is observed and reflected upon. Thus we come to the term analysis, which could also be termed thought process, which takes the work from stage 1 to stage 2.
Here is where the creative work starts, although for me the term ‘generation’ has fairly mechanical overtones. This is the stage of blind alleys, work discarded and no work created, as generation is sometimes a process that comes slowly. Eventually this generation will lead to the harvesting or focus on a series of main ideas or possible outcomes that can be worked on.
The terms development or enhancement, relate to this stage of working on ideas until they become formed concepts. These are then developed into ‘art’, or a ‘formed concept’. This will again be evaluated and the circular process of development can take place again and again.
Although the term implementation makes sense at this point, putting the work in a place where you can see it as a whole, the term action again suggests a mechanical activity. Although I could see it as the time to test the website, therefore seeing it in action, I would feel better with the terms reflect and review. This model has used the term ‘living with it’ instead of defining a reflective process.
Here we return to the beginning to review the process again.