Conclusion to my Narrative Research
Narrative research will be a useful method for recording the process of creation and analysis of my part-practice work. Much of this initial response will be on a blog, which will also be linked to the website. I will be using a form of narrative that will tell the story of the process of creation. Bruner (2004) calls this concept of self narrative a 'form of self-telling', this leads to the further concept that:​
A life is not 'how it was' but how it is interpreted and reinterpreted, told and retold: Freud's psychic reality (2004)​
That this telling and retelling of the narrative can change the central story, does not seem to worry Bruner, instead he sees it as a positive that a central idea or fact might be seen in different ways from different directions. There will need to be an awareness that the story can change in the telling and that if this happens, the telling of the story becomes a active part of the research.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ To this end the narrative must seek to record, reflect and analyse the processes undertaken when creating the website.